Teacher of the Year | Teen Ink

Teacher of the Year

October 25, 2013
By David Rogers BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
David Rogers BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I had to choose an educator of the year, my choice would easily be Highland Home's very own, Mr. Douglas G. Bailey. Throughout my high school days, this has been the best teacher I have had so far. His class was not the most fun all the time, but you always learned more than you would in any other class. Mr. Bailey is my decision because I enjoyed his style of teaching, he is involved in almost every single school activity, and he is there for any student that needs him.

I enjoy Mr. Bailey's style of teaching because he keeps you tuned in. He never gets boring when he is teaching. He gives many examples until every single person in the classroom understands it. He thoroughly goes through each and every example, not missing a step. Once he has passed out the assignment, then anyone he didn't get it before can come to his desk for some one on one help with whatever you are not understanding. This is why I enjoy Mr. Bailey's class so much. No student should ever leave his classroom without knowing how to do today's assignment. I was never great at math, but Mr. Bailey's style of teaching actually allowed me to enjoy learning math!

Along with being a gifted and talented math teacher, Mr. Bailey is also the head athletic director of Highland Home School. Which the athletic director handles every single sport that goes on throughout the school year. Mr. Bailey has a part in scheduling all the games. He usually also attends just about every game, whether home or away. Mr. Bailey is probably the Squadrons biggest fan! I often say that Mr. Bailey does not get enough appreciation for all that he does for the school. This is a huge responsibility to take on along with your day to day teacher responsibilities. Mr. Bailey does it and I have never heard him grumble or complain about it. This is another reason why I have so much respect for Mr. Bailey.

Mr. Bailey is also one of those people that I think wouldn't change a bit outside of school. Some teachers will see a student outside of school campus, and will not even speak. But mr. Bailey is definitely not like this at all. Bailey is one of those teachers that I think would buy me lunch after school if he knows I have no money. Mr. Bailey has stayed after school and watched many of the sports teams practice, and even waits and makes sure every player has a ride home. This is just the type of person he is. Mr. Bailey has also done a lot for me on a personal level. I didn't pass the math section of the grad exam the very first time I took it, and I was miserable after finding out I didn't pass it. But once Mr. Bailey found out he immediately told me, "do not worry at all I promise your gonna pass it next time." After saying this he personally selected me to be in his grad exam remediation class and we worked extremely hard. By the time the grad exam came back around, Mr. Bailey had taught me everything they could possibly show me on the test. Therefore I breezed through it and passed with no problem. This is another reason why I chose Mr. Bailey.

Mr. Bailey is my decision for educator of the year because I enjoyed his style of teaching, he is involved in almost every single school activity, and he is there for any student that needs him. In my opinion he is the perfect nomination for educator of the year. Mr. Bailey is one of the best math teachers you could ever ask for. He also does a great job with athletic director also, as far as I can see. I really enjoyed Mr. Baileys class and I wish I could take him to college with me. Mr. Bailey is the best math teacher I have ever had and I will never forget him.

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