Someone I can not Live Without | Teen Ink

Someone I can not Live Without

October 25, 2013
By Jade Stovall BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Jade Stovall BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
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The person I picked to be the educator of the year is Ms. Sims. She is a very hardworking woman who has two beautiful children. Ms. Sims is a single parent and she is very good to her children. She teaches 11th and 12th grade English, her class is very demanding and hard, but very entertaining. Ms. Sims has taught me so much in these two years and I am very grateful for that. She deserves this award because she is the best teacher I have ever had and she cares about each and every student of hers.

Her style of teaching is a little different than that of the many teachers at my school. She actually sits in a desk like the students. She sits in her desk with her legs under her and she reads out of her book with us, and goes over each paragraph. She assigns us weekly projects, some in a group and some on our own. We have written many essays and poems for Ms. Sims, and some have even gotten published! Ms. Sims also makes us recite poems and such in her class, which has made me overcome my fear of public speaking. Ms. Sims also offers her help to anyone who needs it. Ms. Sims is involved in many school activities.

The school activities that Ms. Sims is involved in is that she comes to every game she can to cheer on the students. She has so much school spirit. When a student does something bad or is failing a class she will have parent contact. Ms. Sims is involved in the PTA and she hosts clubs for the school, such as English Honor Society and Future Teachers of America. She has also formerly served our country. Ms. Sims was a United States Marine, and the student body is so proud of her for serving her time. She had a medical discharge because she blew out two of discs in her back and could not participate in the military anymore. She also works in the after school program, working with and educating young children. She volunteers to help her students fill out scholarship forms and look for a college to go to. Ms. Sims does so much for her classes and the school.

The things that Sims does for the school are unimaginable. She really goes the extra mile to make Highland Home School a great place. She puts in late hours, grading papers, finding scholarships for the Seniors, and helping whoever needs help. For our class, Ms. Sims is the only person at this school who cares a lot about finding scholarships for her students. She has done things for me personally too. She has extended a deadline for me because I was in a bad situation. Sims will help anyone with anything. If one of her students is having a hard time or needs advice, she will be there for that person and give them the best advice she can.

I can go on all day about how wonderful of a person Sims is. She has taught me many things and I am so thankful to have had two wonderful years with her. I hate that my time will come to an end with her this year. Out of everything that I am going to miss about Highland Home School, she will be the one that I miss most. I will miss her screaming when something is wrong, I will miss her guidance, and I will defiantly miss her personality. When I first met her, I thought she was absolutely insane, but once I actually connected with her I realized that she is an actual person under all of the insanity she tries to put off. Ms. Sims is the best teacher I have ever been in contact with and I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to be one of her Students. She has gotten so close to our class that we sometimes call her Mama Sims. Ms. Sims will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for everything Mama Sims, I love you! I will cherish every second in your class because I know I will never get the opportunity to have a teacher care so much about me again. My teacher, mentor, friend, and the best teacher anyone could ever ask for, Mama Sims.

The author's comments:
Ms. Sims inspired me to write this essay.

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