The one in TRUE need of recognition. | Teen Ink

The one in TRUE need of recognition.

October 25, 2013
By Christobal BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Christobal BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am thankful for the people that have told me NO, it's because of them that I did it." -Einstein.

As per required a nomination for this contest, my nomination would be Rebecca Sims at my school. She has the drive that no other teacher has and a very important energy in the class room thats needed. She pushes us to do what we need to do and actually learn in a realistic way. She is a fun and creative teacher. Everyone is absorbed into her unique way of teaching and enjoys every bit of it.

Her unique style of teaching is a great one. She will do whatever it takes to make sure we learn in her class. The most important thing is we are taught in a realistic way in life, something we can carry out of school. We learn in the best way possible; by being taught in realism. She has an unparalleled drive that teaches us.

Her drive is everything in the class room and is unparalleled. She drives us to do our work in a realistic way and enjoys her unique style. With her we actually learn from her and enjoy it. It is a wonderful way to learn. Everyone enjoys her classes.

Her classes are fun and different everyday. She has the best way of logic ever. The teacher teaches and the student learns. That's an important thing to keep in mind in the class room when all other teachers have forgotten it. But she keeps our attention and has it in a fun way.

If a teacher keeps the attention of student, suddenly everything becomes learnable. She is one of the very few and determined able to do this. I am very thankful to be a student of hers. I know in the future i will use the skills that she bestowed upon me for almost anything. It's an enjoyable and also very neat thing to learn from Rebecca Sims.

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