Best English teacher ever | Teen Ink

Best English teacher ever

October 25, 2013
By Amanda Nobles BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Amanda Nobles BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My educator of the year will be the teacher that I have had for the
past two years. The teacher that has helped my class with a lot of
things is Rebecca Sims. She is the best teacher at Highland Home
School. She shows us so much about colleges. She shows us what we
should do to be successful in college.
All the students in the 11th and 12th grade normally call her Ms. Sims
or just Sims. Sims is a honest teacher. You can depend on Sims for
mostly anything. She can help her students with there problems. When
Sims gives us work she makes sure we know exactly what we are doing
before she makes us do it. Sims style of teaching can be very helpful.
Sims has a lot of involvement in Highland Home's activities. She is a
11th and 12th grade teacher. She works after school with the little
kids. Sims is the senior sponcer. I don't think our seniors could ask
for a better senior sponcer. She is over the club Future Teachers of
America. Sims shows us scholarships that we should sign up for to help
us for money for college.
Sims shows her students what they need to know to get ready for
college. She try's to find the most scholarships she can to help us.
Sims is gonna help us apply for colleges. If anyone needs help with
college stuff sims is the answer. Sims helps a lot with the school and
her students. When we graduate we can thanks sims for getting us
through our senior year and helping us get ready for college.
Sims is the best teacher in Highland Home. Mostly because she actually
does care about her students and the futures unlike other teacher
there. Sims is helping us seniors to really learn how college will be
like. Even though sims class is tough on us she is teaching us it will
be tougher in college. Sims is a role model for a lot of her students
and I look up to her. Sim has served our country for two years as a
marine corp and she is really a hero to her students now and in the
future. That is why she is my educator of the year.

The author's comments:
My English Teacher inspired me for this piece.

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