Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Douglas Bailey | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Douglas Bailey

October 25, 2013
By KristenLeigh BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
KristenLeigh BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you have a doctor for a math teacher? I do, my nominee is Mr. Doug Bailey. He has his doctorate degree in math and he is a wonderful teacher and role model. He was my teacher from seventh grade to tenth grade and I wish he was still my teacher now. Mr. Bailey is a great teacher because he is a very understanding, patient, caring and involved teacher.
He has a great way of teaching his students. Most high school teachers just go over the basics and expect you to understand the rest on your own but not him. He goes through the lessons slowly and explains exactly how to do it so in future math classes we won't be completely lost. He is very understanding and patient towards the students. If you are behind on your work he tries to understand why and gives you extra time. He doesn't move on with the lessons until everyone knows how to do it. He doesn't get frustrated if a student asks a lot of questions or is having a really hard time understanding it. These qualities were very helpful to me and my class mates. He does so much for his students not only in the classroom but also in after school activities.
When it came to me and my classmates completing our work, as long as we were trying to understand and get the answers right, he didn't rush us. He spends extra time with students outside of class helping them if they need it. I can't count the days I spent in his room at recess getting help to understand the lessons so I could pass the test the next day. Some teachers say that he spoon fed us and babied us when he shouldn't have but the truth is that without him spending his time helping us understand the material we would all be failing our current math classes.
His involvement in the school is very impressive. He is our schools athletic director. He plans and organizes all the sports teams. With out Mr. Bailey's involve to our schools sports teams would not have as many events and it would be a lot less organized. He helps raise money for the school as well as raise money to buy the teams new equipment and uniforms. In my opinion the students, teachers and coaches of our school should be very thankful to him for being as involved as he is and for caring as much as he does.
I have explained a few examples of the great qualities that Mr. Doug Bailey has to offer. He means so much to this school and the people in it. Although he may not realize it our school would not be as successful as it is today with out him. Also many students would not be making the grades that they are without the influence he has made on their lives. I for one would not be able to understand math or have as much confidence in my ability to make good grades and be successful as I do without this man. Our school is insanely lucky to have a man as understanding, patient, caring and involved as he is working at our school.

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