Teen INK Educator of The Year | Teen Ink

Teen INK Educator of The Year

October 25, 2013
By Mason Tillman BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Mason Tillman BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
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Teen INK Educator of The Year

Coach Peters is by far the best teacher to me, because unlike other teachers your opinion in his class is just as important as his. It makes a student feel better about his or her opinion. Most of the time he has a better opinion, but if you're like me you go with what makes sense. He's also open to your opinions. He will hear you out, and he won't tell you your wrong for believing what you believe.

Coach Peter's teaching style is easy. He makes it easy for himself. Being laid back helps make his teaching style easy. When he's teaching, and a student interrupts him, instead of going off on the student he just uses witts to call the student out and embarrass the student on whatever the student said.

As far as involvement with school goes with Coach Peters, he only goes to a certain extent with it. He is a coach, and he helps kids have fun. He also donates, but doesn't get personally involved. He keeps things mutual in everything with school and kids.

Coach Peters does a lot of things for me as a student. Simply treating me like everyone else, and not showing favoritism is enough. For the school he is a coach, and also donates. As far as everyone else goes he treats everyone the same.

My opinion on Coach Peters is good. He's my favorite teacher here, and if i had to vote a teacher of the year it would be him. He's laid back, not bias, and has a good head on his shoulders. He is a good example of what a teacher should be.

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