Mr. Bailey | Teen Ink

Mr. Bailey

October 25, 2013
By Tayvyon Fuller BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
Tayvyon Fuller BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Bailey
First off Mr. Bailey is always happy. Also he's a very inspiring person. He also attends every or almost every athletics event. In his teaching ways he makes sure that you get anything and everything he's teaching. An Mr. Bailey also is a person who has open ears.
His style of teaching s a very specific way. But he has fun with his teaching. He teaches a very old school way. An when he teaches he has fun but his strict. He we'll take his time and make sure you get the correct information. If he need to he we'll take you as and individual an give you extra time if you need it.
Now I will tell you about his involvement in all the school activities. He works hard during school but not only that after school also. Mr. Bailey will attend every sporting event. He work's at school with the math team. After every game you can either find him cleaning the stands or putting the speakers up. After basketball games and pep-rally's he will be picking up chairs. So he's just not a great teacher in class but also during sporting events.
What Mr. Bailey does for me is very different things. Mr. Bailey give me advise at very different thing. He has given me advise for my attitude also advise about my career. He also makes sure I get the correct education. So that's make me able to talk to him. Then he's not and selfish person.

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