Educator of the year:Rebecca Sims | Teen Ink

Educator of the year:Rebecca Sims

October 25, 2013
By Kadereka Huffman BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
Kadereka Huffman BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who is the best teacher to me?The best teacher is the strong and funny Ms.Rebecca Sims. People told me that Ms.Sims was hard. My opinion is she is one of the best English teacher I ever had. When Sims teaches Everyone is quiet cause we know she means business.

When Sims "teaches" I understand it better than the past English "teachers". The way Sims teaches she will explain what you have to do first. If you do not understand she will break it down for you. Ms.Sims will help you out if you need it. The thing I like most about Sims she encourage you to do your best, but she also does stuff for the school.

I like it when Sims participate in school activities. Ms.Sims get us prep up at the prep rally. She has no probably with helping after school. Sims come and support our fly Boyz.She's Is over Future Teacher Of America . She will help anyone if they need it at the school. Ms.Sims Is over English honor society .

If I ask Ms.Sims a question about something I know she will answer it for in a way I can understand it. Then she helps take up the ticket at the games. Over English Honor Society. Helps out the with the Senior. She is over another club can Future Teacher Of America.

I wish ever teaches could be like Ms.Sims. Her teaching helps you get ready for college. It also prepare us for the real world on how to be responsible and held accountable for your action. A teacher helps you Learn and grows. A teacher is a counselor and a friend at the same time and I am honored to have Ms.Rebecca Sims as my English teacher and a world without teacher like Ms.Sims I along with other students will be lost in a lost world.

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