Teen Ink Educator of the Year: The Best History Teacher | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year: The Best History Teacher

October 25, 2013
By Christina Bowen BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Christina Bowen BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who should win the educator of the year award? Coach Doug Norman should win the award because of his outstanding work. He is the ninth and tenth grade history teacher at Highland Home School. He is the type of teacher who is dedicated and takes pride in his work. Coach Doug shows his dedication through his teaching, participation in school activities, and his actions towards the school and pupils.
Coach Doug’s teaching skills are unlike any other history teacher. He uses both lecturing and group work to teach. For his lecturing techniques, he goes over the main points in the chapter. He also tells stories that go along with the history lesson we are learning. For group work, we pair up or get in groups of four to do history projects. For example the group work is reading the section and finding key points. Between his lecturing and group work techniques, I like the lecturing. I like the lecturing because the stories are interesting and make it easier to interpret the lesson. Coach Doug is not only dedicated in his teaching but, also in his extracurricular school activities.
Coach Doug participates in many extracurricular school activities. He is an assistant coach for the high school football and use to be the assistant coach for baseball. He goes to every football practice and game. He also goes to every home baseball game to support his students. He has helped students after school with the history grad exam section. He left his planning periods open for students who were having trouble to come and see him. Another school activity he does is sponsoring the Student Government Association (SGA). He has SGA sell tattoos every Friday to help raise money for the school. Coach Doug does a lot to show that he truly cares for the school and students.
Coach Doug does a lot not only for the school but also its students. He puts together blood drives for the faculty and senior high students. He has in many ways helped the school look newer and better. He put new signs and banners for Highland Home School. He has helped students out by showing them support and making history easier to memorize. He has helped me out personally because now I find history interesting and fun to read. Coach Doug has his ways of showing his dedication for his work and other people.
Coach Doug should win the educator of the year award because of his hard work and dedication. He has his ways of showing others that he is not a regular history teacher. A few of his ways he demonstrates that he is not a regular teacher is through his teaching, participation in school activities, and his actions towards the school and pupils.

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