Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Coach Doug Norman | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Coach Doug Norman

October 25, 2013
By Hayden52210 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Hayden52210 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you were asked to write about one of your best teachers, who would it be? The teacher I would pick would be Coach Doug Norman. I would choose him because he is wonderful at his job, and also participates in activities around the school. He always tries to make our school look the best every year. Coach Doug is a good teacher by the way he teaches, involved in school activities, and helps students out.
Coach Doug is a good teacher by the style of his teaching. He makes his students write down the notes off his board every day no matter what. While you are writing he tells you stories, shows pictures, and videos to help you understand the notes. When it is time for a test he always goes over the material. Coach Doug never gives you a question on the test that has not been mentioned in class, or on your notes. In addition to his amazing teaching skills he also participates in school activities.

Coach Doug is involved in school activities every year. He coaches football and puts his entire heart in it every year. He is the SGA sponsor, and has been for several years. Coach Doug is not only involved in football, but he tries to attend any other sporting event if possible. Every year he organizes a blood drive three or four times a year for the students and staff members at school. On the other hand Coach Doug helps our school and students out in other ways, also.

Coach Doug helps students out and our school in many ways. In the past he would prepare students for the history part of the grad exam. Since we do not have it anymore, he just remediates with the students who have not passed it. Unlike some history teachers that just give you the book and does not help students, Coach Doug helps you understand almost everything he teaches. He rarely has a student fail his class. He helps the school by taking SGA money and buying things to make our school look better. He bought the flags that are hanging around the school and signs that have been placed on multiple buildings. As a result to all these examples, Coach Doug, clearly, is a great teacher.

Coach Doug is a good teacher because of his good teaching skills, his participation in school event, and helping the school. He always makes sure his students do what they need to. He is involved with all sports every year as much as possible. Coach Doug tries his hardest to make our school look the best by buying and improving things throughout the campus. So, my question is, Do you think Coach Doug is a good teacher?

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