My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

October 25, 2013
By LILBYNOG BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
LILBYNOG BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                    Miss. Sims should be teacher of the year because she is the best teacher I know.
 She gets us ready for the real world. She teaches stuff that we will need one day. She helps us out on 
stuff that we don't understand. She is a great eleventh and twelfth grade English teacher.

                                  She gets us ready for the real world by helping us speak properly. She also helps 
us by showing us what we will need and what we won't need for the real world. She also helps people 
that want to get in the military by getting recruiters to come to our school and talk to us. She shows us how our resumes should look. She has helped us in so many ways. She is the only teacher that helps us get ready for the real world.

                                  She gets us ready for college by showing us how a college English paper should 
look. She helps us get ready for the act. She helped us to get more stuff on our resume. She 
showed us how not to plagiarize. She has helped us more than any other teacher at our school. She 
helped us find more colleges that we could get in.

                                  She helped us get to where we understand more about college. She helped us 
understand more about the real world. She helped us understand college english papers. She helped 
us understand the way we Should act when in a business meeting. She has helped us understand more than any other teacher I have had. 

                                 Miss. Sims is the best teacher I have ever had. She has done more for me than any other teacher. She is the best teacher at our school. She has helped us in so many ways. This is why Miss. Sims deserves the teacher of the year award.

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