Educator of the year- Rebecca Sims | Teen Ink

Educator of the year- Rebecca Sims

October 25, 2013
By Willie Smith BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
Willie Smith BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
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Do you think good teachers are need? I do. Couch Doug is a very involve teacher. When you in his class he give you so much work. It is impossible to fail his class. When we get done taking notes, he tells us a good stories and it be hilarious. He tells stories about his life and what happen in the past. It always be cold in his class. If you be cold he just going to tell you to wear a jacket.
Couch Doug teaching style is very awesome. When we takes notes it take us almost the whole class period to take notes. Couch Doug make learning fun. One thing he don't play about is that grad exams. He takes that very serious. The reason he be so strict is because he want every single student to pass the exam.Couch Doug is the funniest teacher in the school. Don't make him mad because he would make you take about a hundred notes in one day. He also sell tattoo for the student government association (SGA).
He is involved in a lot of school activities. He Been a football coach for 8 years and counting. He also got a club that called "students government association (SGA) for 7 years. He was the teacher of the year in . He was the alumnis teacher if the year last year. He also played football when he was in high school, he was the kicker for highland.Plus he like all sports and go to every game to support the flying squadron.
What he does for me? He is not selfish and he don't care about your stories you tell Him but, he just be playing. He is a great teacher. As you can see all the awards he got. If you need some help with your grades he will help you. He will try to give you a daily grade to pull your grade up. When we take notes it be good notes. The notes he give be the notes that be on the grad exams. When we take his test the notes we took be the exact same thing on the test. He also the best teacher in the county in my opinion.
Having a awesome teacher like Coach Doug he will lead you to something in life. Whatever he teaches you, you need to listen to everything he say. Cause when you get in college it will help you. Coach Doug can be nice and mean sometimes. He my favorite teacher in the school. I think he should be the teacher of the year again.

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