Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 25, 2013
By Morgan Tillman BRONZE, LaPine, Alabama
Morgan Tillman BRONZE, LaPine, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teachers can have a big Impact on whether or not astutely enjoys learning. I like a teacher who is always happy, and has a good attitude. I also like a teacher who is well-educated. Teachers who are biased are my least favorite teachers. My favorite teacher is Mrs Russell.

I like the way Mrs Russell teaches. She teaches and works at the same time so it's easy to learn. Mrs Russell usually works a few problems to start us off, and them she will let the students do the rest. As we work on our own she walks around, and helps one on one for who ever needs it. Anytime help is needed, Mrs Russell is there.

Mrs Russell is very involved in school. She is over Mu Alpha Theta, Art, and she also sponsors all the seniors. Mrs Russell is also very enthusiastic at the pep rallies. She helps out and sings the Alma Mater. She is a true Flying Squadron fan.

Mrs Russell does a lot for the class and for myself. She will help any student who gets behind if needed. She let's us know when we are slacking. I also love Mrs Russell because she lets us play Bingo on Fridays for extra credit; which is very helpful. Sometimes if we work very hard she gives us a free day.

Mrs Russell is a great teacher. She has been teaching at Highland Home High School for twenty-three years. The one thing I adore about her is her sweet personality, and the cute, little, blue bug that she drives. I just love her enthusiasm on Fridays and every other day. Mrs Russell should get teacher of the year because she teaches, doesn't seem to ever have a problem with a student, and she always has a positive attitude.

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