Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 25, 2013
By AllyRae03 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
AllyRae03 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
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Educator of the Year

Mr. Doug Bailey is the educator of the year. Mr. Bailey is a wonderful teacher he combines different ways of teaching to help his students learn the way they are comfortable. Mr. Bailey is Highland Home's athletic director and is involved in many activities of the school. Mr. Bailey helped me with out complaint with ACT questions to better improve my score. Mr. Bailey is a wonderful teacher and is a perfect example of an educator of the year.

Mr. Bailey's style of teaching is a combination of lecture, practice, and notes. He takes his timing explaining every step in a math problem. Mr. Bailey style of teaching is a method that allows everyone to learn the way they learn best. The teaching skills he uses are developed from the many years he has taught students. Mr.Bailey is a wonderful teacher and is also the school's athletic director.

Athletic Director is a busy job. Mr.Bailey is Highland Home's athletic director, he schedules all sporting events. Mr.Bailey also announces at our football games and keeps the sports stats. Mr. Bailey is a proud supporter of our school and sporting events. Mr.Bailey is more than the athletic director he is also helps you whenever you need help.

Mr.Bailey is an Algebra One and Geometry teacher. He was gracious enough to help me when I had questions about the ACT. I made a higher score on the math portion of the ACT because he showed me how to solve the problems I did not understand. Mr. Bailey is not our assigned math teacher anymore but, when we ask him a question he still takes the time to help us with any problems. Mr. Bailey is an outstanding teacher.

Mr. Bailey is the educator of the year. Mr.Bailey has wonderful teaching abilities and is a wonderful teacher. He works for the school as the Athletic Director as well. Mr.Bailey is always willing to help someone. Mr. Bailey is and deserves the Educator of the Year.

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