Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Coach Dougie | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Coach Dougie

October 25, 2013
By Payton Frazier BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Payton Frazier BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you ever want to meet a man who can do it all, you need to meet my history teacher Doug Norman. He is better known as Coach Doug. He is one of our assistant football coaches also. Coach Doug Is just the best teacher you will ever meet. Coach Doug teaches at Highland Home High School where I attend. He also graduated from this school.

Coach does is a teacher who goes above and beyond his duties of teaching. He has the greatest teaching techniques. His methods include group discussions, lecturing, and a lot of note taking. He makes history very interesting. In years past I was always bored in history, not with Coach Doug! When it is test time you are ready because he has drilled it in you.

Coach Doug is a member of the varsity football coaching staff. He bleeds blue and white! He is also one of our junior sponsors. Coach is over the SGA (Student Government Association) at our school. A few years ago he won the Golden Apple Award that is given out by one of our local television stations. He is very involved with our school.

I look at Coach Doug as a mentor for me. When I go to him with a problem, he always has the best advice for me. Not only is Coach Doug my teacher and coach, he is a true friend to me. I feel I could go to him with any kind of problem. I know that he would help me to the best of his ability, or give me the best advice about the situation.

In my eyes Coach Doug is one of those teachers that the old saying fits, "the mold was broke when they made him". He is well respected by his students, coaches, and co-workers. I have the most respect for Coach Doug. They do not make teachers like him everyday. He is just the best all the way around, in the classroom and out, on the field and off.

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