Ms. Sims | Teen Ink

Ms. Sims

October 25, 2013
By Ryan Swanner BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
Ryan Swanner BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My choice for the Teen Ink contest is Ms. Rebecca Sims. She is a twelfth grade English teacher at Highland Home School. Ms. Sims is one of the best teachers I have ever had. Her styles of teaching differ from those of her fellow teachers in that she can be a bit more aggressive as an educator.
Ms. Sims tries to prepare her students for college and life after school. Many of her assignments consist of essays so we can practice for our college classes. She will not accept the essays after the due date, like most college professors. Any excuses for the late work are simply ignored. In addition to making sure we learn the best we can Ms. Sims helps out in other school activities.
Ms. Sims has many jobs within the school other than teaching. She always helps out the seniors by ordering our senior gear and orchestrating other events. She is even nice enough to provide help to other members of the staff. Along with all of this she also helps in the after school program, a program that offers after school care for younger children. She is also generous enough to help the students in any way she can.
Ms. Sims gives us many opportunities that we otherwise would not know of. She passes on information about scholarship funds and contests. To ensure that we do not miss out on our assignments she always sends us emails containing our work. To keep us concentrated on our work she will also remove unruly students from the class on the first offense.
In conclusion it is my belief that Ms. Sims is one of the best teachers at our school.
Though she may be aggressive, she still makes sure we are able to pass. Ms. Sims has shown me that slacking off and not doing my work simply will not aide me in any way.

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