Educator Ms Sims | Teen Ink

Educator Ms Sims

October 25, 2013
By Austin Norris BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Austin Norris BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
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Ms Rebecca sims has been teaching for many years. She has been teaching at Highland Home School since 2002. She is a high school English teacher. She also teaches a class for ACT and grad exam remediation. She is very involved in school activities and helping others. She has different strategies for teaching so that what she is teaching sticks in our heads.
Her styles of teaching include lecture, group work, and individual work. Her lectures teach us about the lesson in detail. She lets us do geoup work if we are having trouble. Also group work helps us learn what others think about the lesson. In her class we do individual work so that we can learn on our own about he lesson. Individual work is not hard, it makes us think about the lesson more and learn how to do our own work. She has many other teaching styles but those are just a few.
Ms Sims is always involved in school activities during the year. While we is doing her work and making her plans for the day she also looks for scholarships for the seniors. She makes sure we have different options for college. During the day she will call or send your parent am email and let them know your progress in her class. She has been over two group organizations since 2005. She is over FTA which stands for Future Teachers of America and the English Honors Society. She makes sure she always has something to do with the seniors.
Ms Sims gives her free time up to make sure we get what we are doing in class. She takes her time when she is explaining our work or when she goes over a story. If she sees that out grade is failing she will allow us to come in and do what is necessary to get our grade up. She tries her hardest to get us to pass. She is a hard working teacher.
No matter what ever one else says Ms Sims is the best teacher I know. She stays hours after school is over just to do after school and grade our papers then put them in the computer. She strives to do her best as a teacher and expand our knowledge. She also prepares us for the real world and for college. She helps the seniors more than any other class because we have so much to do to be ready to graduate.

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