My favorite teacher | Teen Ink

My favorite teacher

October 25, 2013
By Jonah812 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Jonah812 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rebecca Sims is well qualified to receive the title of Teen Ink Educator of the Year. Ms. Sims teaches at Highland Home School. Her style of teaching prepares us for college. She makes learning literature fun. Ms. Sims deserves the award because of her great style of teaching, her involvement in school activities, and because she does so much for her students.

Ms. Sims deserves the award because of her great style of teaching. Her teaching style varies from day to day. Most days she is somewhat back but on some days she is stricter than others. The way that she teaches prepares us from college. She teaches us not to rely on the teacher to help you and to be able to do things on our own. Ms. Sims is also funny. The stories she tells are not only funny, but also teach us life lessons.

Ms. Sims also deserves the award because she is very involved in school activities. She participates in games at pep rallies and also helped us make our senior flag. She also organizes and plans trips for the Future Teachers of America and English Honor Society clubs. She also works at the after school program. She is not only involved in many school activities, but also does a lot for her students.

Ms. Sims deserves the title because she does so much for her students. She sends us emails reminding us of due dates for scholarships entries. This year, she also helped us get matching senior outfits. She helps me to personally understand what college is going to be like.

Rebecca Sims is the most worthy person for the title of Teen Ink Educator of the Year. Her style of teaching teaches us life lessons and prepares us for college. She is very involved in many school activities. She does more for the seniors than any other teacher. Sims is truly the most deserving teacher for this award.

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