The Best Teacher Ever | Teen Ink

The Best Teacher Ever

October 25, 2013
By Courtney_dianne14 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Courtney_dianne14 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My educator is Ms. Rebecca Sims. Ms. Sims is my English/Literature teacher. She has been a teacher for nine years at Highland Home School. She encourages seniors to go to college. Her style of teaching is strict. Also Ms. Sims volunteers to do stuff for the school.

Ms. Rebecca Sims encourages high school seniors to go to college. She does this because she wants them to have a great future. Ms. Sims helps by telling seniors about scholarships, and colleges in the area. Also she makes seniors do resumes, essays, and contest. All the work Ms. Sims makes seniors do will help them in college.

Sims style of teaching is strict. The way she is strict is by the way she grades the work juniors and seniors do. Also she grades essays like a college professor would do. She doesn't make it easy on anybody. Of you have a lot on your plate and she assigns work. You better have the work done the day that it is due. Ms. Sims does not take late work. If she does then the highest you can make is an 80. If you are failing her class she will try to help you but you have to help yourself first. Yes. Sometimes she does yell but every teacher yells.

Ms. Sims volunteers to do a lot for the school. She works the after school program. Also she is a senior sponsor. She come up with the senior spirit wear. Ms. Sims is also a head of Future Teachers of America and English Honor Society. Also she makes every junior take the ASVAB. Ms. Sims also gives bold when she can. And, works the gate at football games.

In conclusion, Ms. Rebecca Sims is a great teacher. Yes, she is strict, she helps seniors get into college, and volunteers. She is a good friend also. You could go to her and talk to her about anything.

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