Sims world | Teen Ink

Sims world

October 25, 2013
By Stacee1 BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Stacee1 BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ms. Rebecca Sims is one of the most respected and feared teachers at Highland Home High school. She graduated from Huntington college and after that she went on to become apart of the United States Marine Corps. There she serve a number of years before she got injured and decided to teach English. She is a wonderful teacher and person, her class is always fun. She tells use stories about life and how the decisions I'm the pass can effect us in the future. Overall I think Ms.Sims deserve this award for her exemperary teaching and people skills.

Her style of teaching is a little extreme but very effective really wish all teachers would copy this style. She yells a lot to get her point across and for her students to hear her. Having a class of 20 or more you have to have some method of teaching that will put fear in all your student and get their attention. She teaches 11th and 12 grade English, and act prep getting many students ready for college. She treats her students with respect, and decency. The day consist of reading the literature, stories that are quite interesting. Take for example Beowulf, a story about at epic hero who come to this land and slay monsters and become king. She also gives us tips on what to expect when we enter college.
Ms Sims have an very active roll in in school activities she is apart of the after school program. In which she stay over and looks after the little kids. She is also the senior sponsor, and she's apart of the English Honors soiciety. She contacts students by email about scholarship opportunities. She participate on junior and senior field trip field trips.

Miss Sims does a lot for our class, thing that range from letting us make up work too talking about personal problems. She give us advice about the different branches of military and colleges. Ms.Sims also makes sure we are not failing her class. You may think telling our parents about grades are bad, but in reality it helps us get better. She also makes sure that the whole senior and junior class have many scholarships to make it into college.

That's why I think Ms Sims deserve the award for educator of the year. Some may not like her because of her method of teaching but I think it's an effective way to motivate students to want to do better. Ms. Sims is also a great educator because she also has the most school spirit for high school teachers. Most high school teachers don't participate in pep rallies but she makes sure she does in all kinds of contest.

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