The Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

The Educator of the Year

October 25, 2013
By Austin Dawkins BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Austin Dawkins BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
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The Educator of the Year

?When I am asked who I believe the educator of the year, many come to mind. But there is one that sticks out and that is Mr. Douglas Bailey. Mr. Bailey was my ninth and tenth grade math teacher. He is a genius when it comes to math. He scored a perfect thirty-six on the math portion of the ACT and is in the process of getting a doctorate in math. He is very involved in my school and does a lot for the people on campus. The style of teaching he uses is perfect too.
?The way Mr. Bailey teaches is great. He works each and every problem step by step to make sure we know what to do. He is very patient if you do not understand a math problem the first time. He constantly reminds us that learning math is like building a house because you have
to start with a foundation and work your way up. His way of teaching also keeps you from forgetting what you have learned which is common in other classes. Mr. Bailey also does many other things for the school besides teaching.
?Mr. Bailey is very involved in my school. He is the Athletic Director of the school. He always makes sure all of the athletes turn in all the paper work required for them to play the sports they love. At every single football game Mr. Bailey keeps the stats for the coaches and is also the announcer at home games. Not only will you see him working at football games, but you will also see him at all the other sporting event often selling tickets for the game. Mr. Bailey manages the school website as well. He is helpful on an individual level too.
?Mr. Bailey is extremely selfless and will help you with anything. He never turns a student down when they need someone to buy something for a fundraiser. If I ever need extra help from him on a problem, he always makes time to help me during break. He also does not show favoritism which many teachers often do. He is very fare and does not give anyone special treatment. He is very nice and nobody ever has anything bad to say about him.
?Mr. Bailey is definitely my favorite teacher. He is a great teacher and a great person. He does a lot of important things for the school voluntarily. I could not have asked for a better math teacher and I will never forget him. Mr. Bailey should be the educator of the year in my eyes.

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