My Great Teacher | Teen Ink

My Great Teacher

October 25, 2013
By vicsayge23 BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
vicsayge23 BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In life everyone wants to have someone that displays good character in everything they do. A friend is one thing but a teacher is a totally different meaning. He exemplifies such great things and it is so much more meaningful. The person that I would choose without a doubt in my mind would be Dougie Norman, better known as “Coach Doug.” Now, I can tell about all his greatness.
?Coach Doug has become like another dad to me. I can always go to him for anything. He makes sure your class has all the information they need before moving on. If he needs to he will teach you during recess or during his planning period. Coach Doug would do anything for our school. He also is very entertaining with his teaching.
Coach Doug has a great style of teaching. He always keeps us entertained while he is teaching. While we are taking notes he reads the notes to us and tells us all the background knowledge of the story. He walks around the class to make sure you are doing what you are supposed to. He is never just sitting around doing nothing. We always have something to do. Coach Doug has a wonderful way of teaching to.
Mr. Norman is always very involved in our school activities. He is our Student Government Association sponsor. Coach Doug does so much with SGA to make our school look better. He bought banners to hang all around the school. Also, he got a new sign to go in front of our schools office building. Coach Doug is the offensive line, defensive line and special team coordinator for our varsity football team. He is also over all of our blood drives that we have at school. As you can see Coach Doug is a wonderful teacher. Not only is he a great teacher but he a good person all around. He will help you with anything. Also, he makes sure everything is clean and neat around our school. He is a great man.
As you can see Coach Doug never thinks twice about helping someone. He is a wonderful teacher and a great person to look up to. He is always very involved and easy to talk to. He keeps everything neat and organized. It is very obvious that Coach Doug is a great choice for this topic.

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