Teen Ink Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year

October 25, 2013
By Mn1996 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Mn1996 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Ms. Sims

Great teachers these days are hard to find! That's why I decided to write about my 12th grade English teacher Ms. Rebecca Sims! She is a great teacher and great influence to the people of Highland Home High school! She is a great educator for her students because she is always pushing us to strive and do our best. She is also one of the few teachers that does a fabulous job at getting us prepared for college and helping us to get on the right path we need to be on for our futures! We should all be honored to have Ms. Sims as part of our school,faculty and staff!
Ms. Sim's style of teaching is very educational and fun at the same time! At the beginning of every 9 weeks, she picks out the best novels for us to read. They are always interesting and she always gives us plenty of time to read them. Then, at the end of every 9 weeks, she gives us a novel test along with our study guide that we have to have completed with the book. These are a great way to being our grade up because we always finish them with a breeze! Another things Ms. Sims loves to do is give us essays. These, on the other hand, aren't so fun. However, they are a great way to prepare us for college! Last, but not least, another fun thing Ms. Sims has us do is dress up as characters in some of our literature stories! This is my favorite thing to do in her class because you get to dress up as anyone you want in the story and we always get to take pictures for them to be put in the yearbook! As you can see, hard work doesn't always have to be boring, especially with a fun and interesting teacher like Ms. Sims!
Ms. Sims is involved in a lot of our school activities, such as helping out with the girls softball team. Sometimes, she goes on the field and helps the girls softball team practice! Unfortunately, there isn't always a good outcome to this; one time she got a black eye! But all at the same time she loved helping the team. Also, with us being seniors, she does a lot of the organizing and designing for our senior spirit wear and other club shirts! She also helps organize field trips. With some of our novels, like "To Kill a Mocking Bird", we get to go to plays and see the book acted out in real life! That's one of the main things I love about reading novels in Ms. Sims class. Also, another thing Ms. Sims gives us is poetry contests. These are a great way to get us prepared for college and also very fun because they allow you to tell your feelings and emotions in a beautiful and interesting way! Hence, Ms. Sims plays a great role in our schools activities!
Ms. Sims does a lot for our school. One of the main things she's great at is teaching her students how to be responsible adults. She may be tough and strict, but it's only because she cares and wants us to do the right thing! One of the lain things Ms. Sims does for me is she always explains something when I need help and she never acts like it bothers her. She is also very understanding when I explain why I am sometimes not able to get my work done the night before. Ms. Sims also does a lot for her class, too. Sometimes, when a student is behind in their work, she allows them an extra day to make it up because she is very understanding with her students! Also, another thing that Ms. Sims does with her class is group projects. Some projects we have done before are movies and book projects. One time we had to take characters out of a book and pick actual movie stars that match the book characters and make a movie poster out of it! Similarly, we also had to pick certain objects out of the story and fund our own actual props that represented something in the story. I believe that was my favorite project the whole year! As you can see, Ms. Sims does a lot for the class and everyone in the school!
As we can all see, Ms. Sims is a fantastic teacher! Her style of teaching is very educational and fun and it helps her students a lot. She is also great at getting students prepared for the ACT and college! She may give us a Lot of work, but u can guarantee it will pay off in the end! She is very involved in our schools activities, which is a great thing for a teacher. She helps with sports, organizing, field trips, designing school and senior spirit wear and much more! Ms. Sims is a very understanding teacher. She understands when her students aren't able to do her work sometimes and most of the time, she will let you have one extra day to make it up. She is also very encouraging! She pushes you to the limit to,try your best and nothing more and this is why any student would be blessed to have an awesome and helpful teacher like Ms. Rebecca Sims!

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