Greatest History Teacher | Teen Ink

Greatest History Teacher

October 25, 2013
By triadlpie17 BRONZE, Letohatchee, Alabama
triadlpie17 BRONZE, Letohatchee, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teen Ink Essay

My educator of the year would be Coach Doug Norman. He is the best history teacher around. Coach Doug was my 9th and 10th grade history teacher and I learned everything I needed to know about history in those two years. He graduated from Highland Home, so it is in his blood to see our school and students succeed in everything we do. His style of teaching, involvement for the school, and what he does for individuals is unlike any other.

Coach Doug's style of teaching is different from others in many ways. Most teachers will just say something one time and expect you to know it exactly, Coach Doug does not. He will write everything you need to know and goes over it, and over it again until everyone understands. All kids learn differently and Coach Doug knows that. He teaches you history without you even knowing that you are learning. He is very organized in his way of teaching. Coach Doug's style of teaching is great, but his involvement in Highland Home is even better.

Coach Doug is very involved in our school. He graduated from Highland in 2003 and is still very active in all things related to the school. He has been the SGA sponsor for seven years. He has been our football coach for eight years. He received the Class Act award in 2009. He received the Alumnus of the Year award in 2012. These actions show Coach Doug cares about our school and each student he teaches.

Coach Doug will help any student who thinks they are falling behind in school, especially in history. He will go over all his work for every individual if he feels like they need it. Coach Doug helped me out by being the best history teacher. He taught me so much about history, it is unreal. I learned more in those two years being in his class than ever before. Coach Doug has not only helped me, but he has helped every other student and individual at this school.

Coach Doug Norman would be my educator of the year. He is an inspiration to all high school students that are considering education as a career choice. He is a role model through his teaching style and his dedication to both his job and his students. Coach Doug encourages us to do our best in every aspect of our lives. He has high expectations for his students, and demands that we have high expectations for ourselves as well. He is impacted countless students through his leadership.

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