Coach Doug: The Best History Teacher Ever | Teen Ink

Coach Doug: The Best History Teacher Ever

October 25, 2013
By Will Petty BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Will Petty BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This essay is about one of the most interesting teachers in the history of teaching. Doug Norman is known around the school as Coach Doug. If you asked every student in this high school who their favorite teacher was, the majority of them would say Coach Doug. Coach Doug graduated from Highland Home, so he is very loyal to this school. There is probably nowhere else that he would rather teach, that is why he should be the educator of the year

What may make him the most unique is his style of teaching. Coach Doug never sits at his desk, he is always up walking around his classroom. We very rarely used a book in the two years we had him as a teacher. He comes up with his own notes, writes the start of them on the board, and reads them out to us from his own book of notes. But his class does not move slowly, he is constantly giving out notes throughout the class period. Even with the notes, he finds time to put in a joke or something about what is going on in football that week.

Coach Doug is not called coach for anything. He coaches our offensive and defensive lines in football. Other than teaching, coaching football is his favorite thing to do. Also he is the head of the Student Government Association. He helps coordinate events tied to the SGA such as blood drives and Veteran's Day events. He is always at the school doing something to help out.

He teaches the ninth and tenth grade history. A few years ago when the Graduation Exam was used, he would drill the information for it into his student's heads. When most classes in other schools had low passing percentages, Coach Doug would yearly produce 80% passing or higher. There are not many people that have a failing grade in his class either. Those that are failing are probably having to work hard to fail

These are just some of the many reasons why Coach Doug should be educator of the year. He finds a very effective way to balance coaching and teaching. Students who cause problems in other classes always behave in his class. He has already gotten awards such as the Class Act, Teacher of the Year, and the Alumnus of the Year. My favorite coach and teacher, Doug Norman, should be Educator of the Year.

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