Mrs. Michelle Mansmann | Teen Ink

Mrs. Michelle Mansmann

October 25, 2013
By Sheka BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
Sheka BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My educator of the year would be Mrs. Michelle Mansmann. She has a good heart and a great 

personality. She is smart, kind, and a good communicator. She gets along with everyone. Her 

teaching is what makes her awesome.

Her teaching style is very simple. It's common but it works. She likes when you work with others 

and help each other out. She helps you and explain it in a way were you would understand it 

better. She does so much more than teaching.

She is involved in things other than teaching. She is over B.A.C.I.S which is well needed in high 

school. She has been in charge of the yearbook for 6 years. She supports the football and 

basketball team by coming to every game. There is more her but these are some reason she is so 


She does so much for the school and the kids. She helps out with extra activities we have. She 

helps kids with their problems. And if I need something, she will so her best to help me. She is so 

helpful and cares for everyone.

To me she is the perfect example for a good educator. Everyone loves her and will do andything 

for her. She is just a really good person in general. If anyone deserves it, it should me Mrs. 

Michelle Mansmann. She is the best teacher I know so far!

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