My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

December 13, 2013
By cutest BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
cutest BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had that one teacher who you just adore? Well maybe you have or haven’t. You admire them because they do so much for your school and engage in various school activities. Many teachers or educators tend to inspire their students greatly. They have certain qualities that make them special to some students. I insist that realize how special my favorite teacher is.

Mr. Tim Yates is the eighth grade probe social studies teacher at my school. Mr. Yates is by far one of the most inspirational teachers that has ever taught me. Most of the time he expresses that he wants the best for us (his students), which motivates me to give a 100% effort not only in his class, but in my other classes too. He contains unique traits that allow him to stand out from all the other ordinary teachers. He is inspirational because he has a more casual or realistic style of teaching. Normally he highlights the impact that certain events have had on us as a country. Previously, the class was discussing the issue of immigration. Mr. Yates then went on to ask what historic event happened that relates to the immigration problem and the class gave an example. This shows how Mr. Yates makes connections within history, which contributes to his casual way of teaching. Another great trait that Mr. Yates holds, is his involvement in school activities. He coaches the girls’ basketball team, participates in the school pep rally, and encourages students to join the history club. He is also involved in the community, in which he attends church and does different festivities that the church hosts. Mr. Yates often goes to many of the Parkview High School football games to bolster the players and school. With this being said, I implore that you recognize why Mr. Yates is my favorite teacher.

Being the wonderful teacher that he is, Mr. Yates has done numerous things for my school, my class, and myself. He has done a magnificent job at teaching ; such a good job that he earned the title,” Teacher of the Year.” This paints a miraculous reputation for my school, showing that we have great teachers. He has also led the girls’ basketball team to victory, exhibiting that Trickum Middle School has an awesome sports organization. Often I run into problems in Mr. Yates’s class. He has taken out time to offer me help with the things that I do not understand. When I’m in a quandary about the lesson being taught, Mr. Yates’s kindness releases into the atmosphere, and he finds a way to assist me. This shows how he sacrifices in order for the people around him to do their best. I strongly urge you to realize the valuable qualities that Mr. Yates holds.

Overall, Mr. Yates is the closest you will get to perfection for a really good teacher. He is not boring, but he makes the class interesting. Honestly, I have not yet recognized a teacher like him. I’m not saying that any of my other teachers are bad, it is just that he has a whole different personality. I guess what I am trying to say is that Mr. Yates acts free and just wants to have fun while teaching. He is truly the BEST!

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