B.lessing in Disguise | Teen Ink

B.lessing in Disguise

January 7, 2014
By ivygillon_ BRONZE, Florence, Kentucky
ivygillon_ BRONZE, Florence, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The cure for everything is saltwater: sweat, tears, or the sea

I never felt that arts were an important part of my education until the 7th grade. I was the shyest, most awkward girl you would ever have the displeasure of meeting. That is, until I met Ms. Kathy Bacelieri, although it feels weird to call her anything but Ms. B. After a semester in her Drama class, during which I learned and gained more than I had ever expected to, I joined her forensics team. Little did I know that I would leave middle school with a national title, a new and surprising love of performing, and some very important life skills.
Ms. B became like my second mother, because of her caring nature and fun outlook on life. She genuinely loves every single one of her students, and the performing arts are very clearly her passion in life. You can tell that there's nothing she rather be doing. It is because of her enthusiasm and dedication that I and and so many other students were, and still are, given the chance to compete around the country as part of an incredible team, with a truly incredible coach.
A year after I've graduated middle school, and a year after I've stopped being one of her students, and one of her team members, she is still one of the most influential people in my life, and I don't think that will ever change. I love you Ms. B!

The author's comments:
Ms. Bacelieri gave me the chance, and the ability to do something I never thought I'd be able to do, and I can't thank her enough for that.

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