Ms. Pun – English Teacher | Teen Ink

Ms. Pun – English Teacher

January 30, 2014
By Anonymous

What can make you have an incentive to go to school? Since I can remember things, I already started to hate to go to school. Probably because the education system, make me hate to go to school. Until last year Ms. Pun become my teacher. She not only a teacher, she also is my inspirer.

The first day of the class, I've noticed that she teaching methods is different with all teachers I have seen, she can teach us in all aspects. When she was teaching, she not only teaches us the knowledge of the books, she also teaches us the knowledge beyond books. In my country, is hard to find a teacher like her enthusiastic teaching. She explained everything very clearly, so we tend to understand every class. She never let any of us fall behind the class, unless you give up to learn. I remember a day in class she said that we can choose not to learn; we can quit school and go to work. We should not sit here do nothing to waste time.

She has a different method to treat each person. For example, I have never been an active person, maybe for this reason she always chose me to answer her question. One day, she wanted talk to me. She knows I do not like Hong Kong education system, she said I can choose to overseas study, I told her I will consider her suggestion. After a couple of weeks, I decided become an exchange student to study overseas. I told her the decision; she said she will support me.

After that, we talked a lot about exchange student program. She asked me a lot of questions to find a country that will suitable for me. In the end, I decide come to America. She told me how to join an exchange program; she said if I need a recommendation letter she will write it for me. Finally, I here in America become an exchange student.

Although Ms. Pun and I weren't together for long time, she still inspired me a lot. Looking back over, I’m very lucky to have her. If wasn’t her I will not be here. I want to thank her for the things she did for me. I will never forget her; she always is the best teacher of my life.

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