teacher of the year award | Teen Ink

teacher of the year award

February 7, 2014
By kyle gray BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
kyle gray BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Techer of the year award Teacher Of the year Award

Have you ever had an adult that you can relate to ?Mr. Dixon is a sbip teacher at Smyrna high school, one of the most inspiring teachers there is. Everything this guy has preached to me has came true. He is a successful person and has a good family. Most people don’t like Mr. Dixon because they don’t see where hes coming from! Out of everybody in my eyes he should get teacher of the year award.

A successful person is a understatement talking about Mr.Dixon. He has a wife and two kids has a full time job and coach’s soccer for goldey beacom college. He once told me that you make your life the way you really want it. His job is to deal with students who got in school suspension so he deals with a lot.When I understood where he was coming from I respected him so much more than I already did.

If it wasn’t for him I don’t really know what I would know now. I don’t know if I would be where im at today if it waqsnt for him. Mr.Dixon taught me so many positive ways to get through life.At first I didn’t listen to him when I finally did everything was right. I wish people could see where hes coming from like I do and understand him. Although he doesn’t give in he does everything he does to help you out

The more people respect you the more they want you to be the best you can. People just thought he was trying to torture them, but he wasn’t. If you were in there you were there for a reason and learn a lesson. I talked a lot with Mr.Dixon and that’s how we connected. Not only would he help me with my work he would really give me a reality check. This man has the most courage of any person.

I havent talked to Mr.Dixon in awhile since I have moved schools. I still think he deserves this award he has worked very hard to get where hes at. There is not much about him you can say is bad hes a good person all around. To see where hes at and call him a role model in life is a good thing. Mr.Dixon for sure wins this award nobody can take that aay from him. That is a story about Mr.Dixon and how I selected him as my teacher of the year award, and how he impacted my life.

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