Making People Better | Teen Ink

Making People Better

February 12, 2014
By Ally May BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Ally May BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Making People Better

I know Rick Witte as Coach Witte. He has been my basketball coach since sophomore year and I do not know a better all around person than Coach Witte. He has the ability to make everyone around him better from his students all the way to his colleagues. In the past few years, Coach Witte has taught me how to push myself to limits I never thought I could go. In the weight room he constructs work outs that seem nearly impossible at first, but I always seem to get through them. He has made me more confident in my abilities. This ultimately made me an improved person and teammate.
The way Coach Witte carries himself is the way that I hope to carry myself when I am older. I have noticed how confident and secure of a person he is, at the same time he is down to earth and caring. He motivates me, but I also know I can go to him with any problems in my life. Coach Witte tells us to “convince each other that we can literally fly and no one will be able to stop us.” He believes in us as young girls and as a collective team. This is what makes him the kind of coach and person I want to work hard for. Coach Witte is someone who has influenced me based on his unselfish and positive attitudes towards everything in his life. He is my role model.

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