Mr. Sanna | Teen Ink

Mr. Sanna

March 26, 2014
By MadisonShuler BRONZE, Wimlington, Delaware
MadisonShuler BRONZE, Wimlington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walked in the door of the first day of school, I knew it was going to be a great year. After all it was my final year at Conrad School of Science. I was in eighth grade and was leaving for high school. I would be attending Delaware Military Academy. Therefore, I wanted it to be special and remember every bit of it.

After lunch on the second day of school, I walked into social studies class. My teacher’s name was Mr. Sanna. He was tall, loud, and outgoing. I remember we did an “ice breaker.” He had asked us what we were excited for the upcoming year. Everyone had to tell the class, so when it was my turn I said “I’m excited to go to Miami.” Miami was where I would be going to for a wedding in early May. I had hated presenting even if it was only a few words. I could feel myself getting red and I started to giggle a ton. But as the weeks went on I started to love social studies class.

About one month into the school year we had taken our first test. I remember being nervous because social studies was my worst subject. When Mr. Sanna came around and handed the test back, I flipped mine over and saw a ninety-six on the top right hand of my paper. I thought to myself “How in the world did I get this?” But, I had remembered that he gave out a study guide, and I did it. He always gave out study guides; it helped my grade tremendously, and it even counted as extra credit. Those study guides were one of my favorite parts about his teaching.

Since I had gotten an A on the first test. I thought maybe I didn't need to study for the second one. When the second test came, that was not the case. Since I didn't study, while taking that test I was getting super frustrated because I didn't know the answers. It turns out I didn't finish in time. So the next day I had to come during lunch. Luckily this time I had finished in time. Unfortunately, when I got my test back the next day, I didn't do so well. I had gotten a seventy-one. But, one nice thing about that class was you would always get your tests, and quizzes back pretty fast. After the second test I had decided that I needed to do better on the next one.

I decided I needed to listen more carefully and understand the material better. Mr.Santa was a great teacher. That made learning in his class that much easier. We made pictures,
tri-folds, acted out plays, even did raps and skits. These types of things always made class fun and go by super fast as well. I always looked forward to social studies class. He made it so we could still have fun while learning, and it worked!

By the third test we took, I already knew all the material. But I learned the hard way I should also study, which I did. Plus, I got extra credit while studying. I mean, how good does it get. When I finally got my test back. I saw that I had earned an A. “Woo!” I said. Mr. Sanna taught me that you should never give up. Even if its something as little as a test grade. That’s why Mr. Sanna is nominated to be Educator of the Year.

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