Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 26, 2014
By shanecarney BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
shanecarney BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the year
Mr. John O’kneski

The educator that I chose was John O’kneski. Mr. O’kneski is my 9th grade government and geography teacher. The 3 main reasons I chose Mr. O are because he is funny, he likes to interact with all of his students, and he is good at teaching. Mr. O is my favorite teacher and that is why I nominated him for Educator of the Year.

First of all, Mr. O’kneski is hilarious. Every day when I walk into his class, I know at some point
I’m going to laugh. He is always making jokes and even though sometimes he gets off topic, he wraps it up quick. He always somehow makes you laugh; his voice just makes you laugh when you hear it. He likes to have fun/be funny during class; he’s not super strict or serious which is why everybody loves him and thinks he’s funny. I think he is the funniest/ most fun teacher I’ve ever had.
He likes to interact with all of his students. When you’re in Mr. O’s class, you better
be prepared to answer any question. He doesn’t just call on the same people every class. Some
people might think it’s a good thing that teachers call on the same people every class because they
don’t want to answer a question. But I think it’s cool how Mr. O gets everybody involved. Even when
he thinks that a kid might get the question wrong, he still calls on them to get them involved and to
make sure they’re paying attention.

Most importantly, he is really good at teaching. He really makes you memorize everything he
says because he repeats it so many times. He also really gets into it, whenever we watch a video on
something having to do with social issues or wars; he always has conversations about them for like
20-30 minutes. Also, you’re never bored in his class; if we’re watching a video and you’re about to fall
asleep, he’ll make a joke and it will wake you up. Obviously he is good at teaching if I’ve never gotten
lower than a B in his class. I’m not saying I’m dumb; I’m just saying he makes me remember what
we’re talking about. I know people who fail in his class but that’s their fault because if they paid
attention in his class, they would pass.
You can see why I chose Mr. John O’kneski. Like I said he is funny, his class is
easy, and he’s great at teaching. I wish all teachers could be like Mr. O. Sometimes he can be annoying or he’ll yell at you, but eventually you’ll get over it
because he’s too funny for you to hold a grudge. I just like the way he teaches; he can be serious
but then he can also joke around. Mr. O just keeps it fresh. For all these reasons and more I’m nominating him for the Educator of the Year award.

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