Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

March 26, 2014
By Alicia Calderon BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Alicia Calderon BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One thing about middle school I’ll never forget is my 7th grade math class. Even though math is my worst subject, I looked forward to going to that class, for one specific reason… Mr.Moffett. Every teacher has a different way of teaching, and Mr. Moffett always seemed to teach a new concept and the whole class would understand it. If a student didn’t understand, Mr.Moffett would always go out of his way to make sure they got it 100%.

Not only was Mr. Moffett a great teacher, he had a great personality. If you ever needed to talk about anything, he was willing to listen, no what matter the situation was. This teacher had 2 sides to him. He had a serious side, and a funny side. He never tolerated foolishness, especially if work wasn’t getting done. As long as our work was done, we could joke around.

I never dreaded going to his class. That’s the only class I looked forward to! When we would go over stuff in class, someone would go to the board and answer the question; he would reward us by candy. Mr. Moffett always expected 100% out of everyone! If we were goofing around too much, he would get mad, and the fun would be over. But as soon as we walked in his class the next day, it was a fresh start. He would compare math to real life, and a lot of students could relate to the situations.

Even after I was done 7th grade, I would go to his class every day before lunch. I always felt welcomed when I was there. He would always go out of his way for all of his students. If we needed help, he would stay after school and help us, and sometimes we would even order pizza.

I’ll remember Mr. Moffett by his humor and intelligence. When I was in 8th grade, I struggled with math, and I would go to Mr. Moffett for help; he never said not to helping. He had his funny moments like when he wore a wig; he was impersonating a TV Character. He was a great teacher and also a great person. He was always pushing us to the next level. I will never forget him. He will always be my favorite educator and by far the best teacher ever!

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