Mrs.Simon | Teen Ink


March 26, 2014
By Kyle Hagerty BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Kyle Hagerty BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First day of the eighth grade, feeling like the big man on campus, the class farthest from my locker. The class that was my least favorite subject until one of the most influential people in my life, Mrs. Vicki Simon, turned it into my favorite. I take my seat and immediately start zoning out due to the lack of sleep because of the long exciting summer. When the most distinctive voice instantly caught my attention. From the minute she said good morning class, I knew it was going to be a good year in English class.

That was one of the most accurate predictions I have ever made. Every day I walked into Mrs.Simon`s classroom, and every day she had a positive attitude; even on Mondays, it was as if the positive energy radiated throughout the classroom. I always looked forward to going to English class; it was the one class where I actually enjoyed learning. And it definitely showed on the DCAS, tests, quizzes and class work.

In my previous years in English class, I averaged about a B or C. But not last year, last year I had a solid A throughout the four marking periods. I owe all of that to Mrs. Simon, she really does have a unique teaching style that is more than effective, which causes students to excel. Even on my DCAS, I entered the 8th grade with a 2. With the help of Mrs. Simon and a little hard work I was able to bring that up to a 4. One of the things I like the most about Mrs. Simon is she lets you be creative. There is not a set in stone rule that you have to follow; as long as you are respectful and on topic, you are allowed do things your way. Not only does she motivate and help students in the classroom, but she is also a great friend.

Mrs. Simon was hands-down the easiest teacher to come to for help, if you needed something or even just to talk. Whether it is family or school problems she was there for you. I remember a few times she even lent a kid money for the dance on the last day when he forgot his and another kid money for lunch when he could not afford it. Students just relate to her. Maybe not at first but she will find a way to motivate each individual student and drive them to succeed.

Mrs. Simon is one of the main reasons I was able to get into my college prep high school. She has truly impacted my life in a positive manner, as I’m sure she has done for others. She truly cares for her students not only on a learning standpoint but also on a personal one. She is just an all around great teacher and individual. Which is why I nominated her for Educator of the Year; she more than deserves it.

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