Chief K | Teen Ink

Chief K

March 26, 2014
By Emily Weston BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Emily Weston BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination
Chief Kegerreis

I have had many teachers throughout the years. They all taught me something new, but I would not go into class with the desire to learn and listen to a teacher talk for an hour long class period. As I began high school I was hoping that would all change. My first day of high school it all did. All of my teachers up to fourth block were all very nice and interesting, and I had an enjoyable time in their class, but the class I enjoyed the most was naval science. The teacher I am nominating for the Educator of the Year is someone who is interesting and makes the class fun but who also gets the job done.

My teacher for naval science name is Chief Kegerreis. At first I was very nervous to be going to a military school. I thought all it was going to be was the teacher yelling at me and making me do pushups, but it was nothing like that. When I walked in I didn’t know anybody because I was the only one from my school to be going there. Everybody was already in their groups with the people they had gone to school with for most of their lives, and I had no idea who to talk to or sit with.

Thankfully Chief Kegerreis walked into the room and said with his loud booming voice for us to take a seat. He told us to call him Chief K. As he was calling role and he yelled “Weston,” I said in a really quiet voice “here sir”. From that day on he has joked around with me by teasing me and saying “Quiet Weston”. For the first week in that class no one really talked to me because I was so quiet. I think what was going through their minds was that maybe I wasn’t talking to them because I didn’t like them, but that wasn’t true.

As Chief K continued to joke around with me about how quiet I was, I thought it wouldn’t be good because people might think I am just boring because I never talk. I soon realized that people started talking to me as they figured out I did want to talk to them and be their friends. I am thankful that he did that because nobody would have even thought about talking to me if they thought I was just a mean girl who didn’t want to talk to them. I am now friends with everybody in that class and I even have some of my best friends in the class thanks to Chief K.

I think Chief K should get Educator of the Year because he is such a genuinely nice person and he is very fun to be around. He taught me stuff that I never even knew existed like the military alphabet and military time. Instead of just teaching a boring class he links his lessons with funny stories to help us remember the concept when we are taking the test. I love going to his class because he always makes me laugh, and no matter what kind of mood I am in he always raises my spirits. He has made the beginning of high school a very fun and enjoyable time.

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