mr. corbett | Teen Ink

mr. corbett

March 26, 2014
By kay01 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
kay01 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Corbett , teacher of the year.
"Ahhhh!" the entire class screams. As I looked up I saw a snake popping out at us on the screen. It was then I realized this class wouldn’t be half bad. It was on the first day of science class; I was extremely scared and nervous. But then he showed us a video of 'him' finding a snake in the backyard. He was super funny and made jokes the whole class. I was really looking forward to the rest of the year. It was by far, my favorite class.
Mr. Corbett made science class fun; he was always smiling and laughing. No matter how bad of a day I was having, science class always seemed to cheer me up. And even though I’m not very good at science, I appreciate that he took the time to make sure every one of his students understood before he would move on. He truly cared about his students.
He was always so happy and full of life. I’m not sure if I ever saw him without a smile on his face. I remember, towards the end of the year, we were making rocket ships. Barely anyone understood what to do or how to make them. He was really kind and helpful and was patient with each and every student. Not only did he just help them, but he also got to know each student just so they felt more comfortable and relaxed in the classroom. And from that, they will be more excited to learn everyday!
The one thing I will never forget is his sense of humor. He always made everybody laugh. I remember this one joke, everyone would always call him a vampire, and he would go along with it. They would call him a vampire because he is tall and normally pale, and he had shadows over his eyes. There was a hollow part in the floor behind his desk and he would stomp on it and act like it was where he kept his 'victims' at. At the time, it was pretty funny.
It’s funny how he’s only an 8th grade science teacher, but he makes such an impact on everyone’s day. The fact that he is always smiling and laughing and making the best out of every situation, it kind of was like a chain reaction. Everybody around him was always happy. He has taught me so much about science, but not only that, about life too. I now know how to always look at the positive instead of the negative, thanks to him. He is such an inspiration to me because of his amazing attitude but quiet personality.

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