Educator Of The Year | Teen Ink

Educator Of The Year

March 26, 2014
By LukeP BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
LukeP BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Be Like Nike and Just Do It” are the words of an awesome teacher. She always encourages and believes in you even when you don’t believe in yourself. It is with great confidence and pride that I write this letter to nominate Ms. Eva Foxwell for Educator of the Year. Her enthusiasm, passion, and love for teaching and for all of her students show every day.
She is an amazing business teacher. The students of Brandywine Springs School love Ms. Foxwell as much as she loves them. The students all love Ms. Foxwell because she is so outgoing and no matter how bad you mess up she always keeps you going in whatever you do. She has the ability to make every student feel good about themselves and enjoy school. Ms. Foxwell makes business fun and exciting for all of her students.
The reason Ms. Foxwell is so creative is that she encourages her students to be unique in the “Marketing Event”. This event helped me because it taught me how to be confident in sharing things with people I didn’t know. At this event she has each student create and build their own business. She allows her students to be creative and choose a business that they feel best represents their passion. She has each student present their business for a marketing event. This helps build confidence and creativity.
Another reason Ms. Foxwell is the best teacher is because she always drives her students to be the best they can be. She makes learning fun. Her energy and creativity helps students want to learn and be the best in everything they do. Instead of Ms. Foxwell teaching in front of the class, she makes us do everything on our own.
Ms. Foxwell is an excellent candidate for this award. She has a desire to learn as well as help her students learn. She is an excellent teacher who always has a positive attitude. I strongly encourage you to give serious consideration to Ms. Foxwell for Teen Ink’s Educator of The Year. She would be an asset to any school or business department.

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