Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 29, 2014
By Sebastian Stevens BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Sebastian Stevens BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ms. Lindsey Blum was my 8th grade English teacher at Brandywine Springs School. She was fairly new to the school. Ms. Blum was probably the best English teacher I have ever had. She had a funny sense of humor and always knew what to say to help.
8th grade English was a great experience with Ms. Blum because of the fact that I had a good teacher who was helpful and she knew what to say when things went wrong.
Ms. Blum impacted me in plenty of ways especially in English. She left an impression on me that stuck. She was funny, helpful, and always liked to have fun! She is like my 2nd mom; she is very hardworking and enthusiastic about her work. She has no idea that she has left a big impression on me; she really means a lot. She taught me so much, and it has helped me in 9th grade.
Some funny times with Ms. Blum was when she would tell us about her chicken. The time where she showed us the video where the chickens clean themselves by shaking really fast and all the dirt comes off. It was always a blast in her class. No one can replace Ms. Blum.
I picked Ms. Blum for The Educator of the Year because I felt like she was doing what a teacher is supposed to do, but she also went above and beyond. I also picked her because she was so funny, and she was always there for me and everyone else when we needed her. She is a true example of an excellent teacher.

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