My Nomination | Teen Ink

My Nomination

March 29, 2014
By across03 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
across03 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking into her classroom on the first day was kind of scary to be completely honest. Considering it was a new grade, a new teacher, and the biggest thing was that I wasn’t good at English at all so I didn’t know how the year was going to go. Once we all sat down and she completed the attendance, she told us her name, “Mrs. Andrevich.” Everyone started talking amongst themselves and was thinking, how do you say that again… She then made a joke which made everyone laugh, and told us not to worry, we can just call her, “Mrs. A.” I smiled because I thought that it funny; I really liked her after that. I decided to make this a good year for me, and try harder to become at least somewhat better at English. Based off of just the first class we had, it seemed to me that we had an extremely good teacher. I may not be the best student but I am ten times better than I was before, and if you didn’t know... I was pretty bad before.

When she was around, everyone smiled. I respected her a lot as a teacher and as a person. In the mornings I always looked forward to having her class because it was my favorite. It was the most interesting because she always had stories or jokes to tell us, which is a good thing because her English class was mostly about writing. All of her stories and jokes would pour out some type of emotion, and give ideas for us to write about pertaining to the topic which we were supposed to write about. Whether it was a funny joke or a sad story, it always got us thinking and had us writing. I will never forget how compassionate, honest, and humorous she was. Mrs. A always had something to say; and they were always good things to say, she would always start off with the good things then finish with the things you needed to fix, but she was never rude about anything and if there was something bad about a paper she managed to make it a joke which kept everybody’s spirits high, because it made us laugh here and there because they were mostly stupid mistakes.

She was always so cheerful, and seeing her smile just makes everyone else smile. I remember when we used to throw parties in her room when it was someone’s birthday; we ordered pizza for it, they were the best, and it was fun talking to her at those times because she was so happy. It was always a different kind of feeling talking to her; she made me shine inside when I talked to her she always made me feel good even if she didn’t know it. She was so full of life and so forgiving; it was hard for her to give anyone a write-up even if they deserved it, and I mean even if they deserved it. She would always just talk to you about something you did wrong that’s why most people liked her. She had a good heart, and she was always thoughtful towards others. It didn’t matter who they were. She was always positive in everything she did, which is why I respected her so much.

The one thing I won’t forget is the time when we went to Dorney park for our 8th grade trip and my friends and I were at a game tent where you had to toss the rings around the bottle, and she came up to us to see how we were doing and if we were having fun; and nobody had won anything yet. She came and played the game with us and gave everyone extra money to keep playing until we won something; we keep saying no but she said that she insisted on it, and she would be happy to do it. Instead of sitting there fighting with her about not wanting to take the money, we did, and all three of us ended up getting something; I won a red superman angry bird with a cape on it. It was the cutest thing ever. She always was so giving, and she enjoyed seeing others happy. That’s why I loved her so much, she was probably the best teacher we had and the first one to offer extra help with something you didn’t understand or needed help with.

Looking back now from where I was before and after her class, I am happy that I had her as a teacher; she helped me a lot. It’s surprising to see her as just my eighth grade teacher and making such a big difference on me and my scores; it is amazing. I feel like that is I didn’t have her as a teacher, I wouldn’t have learned half of the things she had taught me. The things she taught me help me every day in school, and everything she has ever said to me makes me react differently and think differently to some of the problems I run into every day. She always had a solution to everything, and she always knew how to help when you were down; she would give the best advice too. She was the one to go to if you wanted or needed something; she wouldn’t let you down. I miss her so much. She was my favorite teacher and writing this paper brought back all of the memories. These are all reasons why I think she is the best teacher and I’m nominating her for the Educator of the Year Award.

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