mrs. seifred | Teen Ink

mrs. seifred

March 30, 2014
By shaun yeager BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
shaun yeager BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Seifred

I never really liked social studies. To me it was kind of boring learning about war and all of that stuff. It just wasn’t really for me. Mrs. Seifred my eighth grade social studies teacher changed all of that. The first day of class she came into the classroom with a big welcoming smile.

No matter what the subject was she always made learning fun. One of the things I liked about her class is that she would tell a lot of interesting stories. I also liked the class because she would let us work in groups and move around. This allowed us to interact with each other and talk about what we were studying or learning that day.

She was always there when someone needed help. She was always encouraging kids to do better. Her encouragement helped me want to get better and it showed with my grades. It was the only class where I got a 100% or more as a final grade every marking period.

She made history even more interesting by taking us on a field trip to the
Holocaust museum in Washington D.C. I learned more about the Holocaust then I knew before. I thought it was fun and a lot more interesting to see history rather than sit at school and have to read about it. She also felt that high school was very important so she helped us prepare for it.

Unlike other classes kids were more involved. She really interacted and made kids want to interact more. At the end of eighth grade I was sad to leave my school and start all over with new teachers. I ended up getting straight a’s in her class every marking period. I wish all classes where like hers. And this is why I nominate Mrs. Seifred for educator of the year.

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