My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

March 31, 2014
By Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Even though I have only known her for six weeks, Mrs. Koch is already my favorite teacher. I wasn’t the best at chemistry until her class. I didn’t start seeing As on my tests in chemistry until this semester and now I haven't gotten a grade lower than a B.

I remember walking into my second semester chemistry class dreading what was to come: difficult homework, painful tests, and pop quizzes. But her class was nothing like that. She used examples that were just odd enough to stick in my head; like a p orbital in an atom looks like two icecream cones put together. She said that we are going to defy physics and put the tips of the icecream cones together to make a p orbital because we are chemists, and not physicists. Her class is what I look forward to everyday.

After a big test, everyone knows what's coming: extra credit. Most teachers would yell at us and say we didn’t study, but not Mrs. Koch. If everyone bombs the test, she will come up with an extra credit worksheet to work on in class with a partner. She teaches us without us knowing because whatever she assigns is always fun. Mrs. Koch also gives us a review packet before a test that is worth two point towards our test. She wants us to succeed.

She also wants us to understand the topics instead of memorizing them. Mrs. Koch will stop in the middle of class for a simple question. She makes us think about it and answer our own question (unlike most teachers who just give us the answer). She always says she wants our heads to hurt by the time we leave her class. I love her class because she makes me think.

Mrs. Koch is the reason I started getting As in chemistry with all the odd examples that stick in my head. Even though I haven’t known her long, she makes me not dread chemistry anymore. She makes me excited to go to her class. She makes chemistry easy.

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