Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 30, 2014
By patrick henry BRONZE, Wilimingto, Delaware
patrick henry BRONZE, Wilimingto, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the year nomination:
Mr. Patrick John Henry

Educator of The Year

People think that an educator is a teacher you only know for one year. An educator is someone who teaches you life skills and shows you how to use them in real life situations. The educator of the year I have chosen, has always been there for me. No matter what struggles I have been through. He has coached me in football all of my life, and he always made sure I pushed myself to do the best of my ability. That person is my dad, Patrick John Henry.

The reason I choose him is because he taught me everything I know about football. My dad has been my football coach through out middle school and my freshmen year. The middle school team I played for was Saint John the Beloved; my dad coached me there for six years. He also coached me at the Delaware Military Academy during my freshmen year. I cannot thank my dad enough for being my coach and being there for me no matter what.

My dad was not just my coach for football; he was my teacher in life. Even if he had no clue how to help me do some of my homework, he would always find a way to help. He would always tell me to “Just do it” and not to be afraid of any obstacle in my way. He would always motivate me to do my best in everything inside or outside of school. My dad is one of the people in my life that I can say anything to. It’s nice to have someone who let’s me get stuff off my chest.

My dad has taught me so much. He taught me how to get into my football stance because I play on the O-line. He taught me how to block the person in front of me. In middle school, he would also teach me new ideas about how to remember my timetstbles. He would also help me study for my civics tests and just about every class I would need help with. He always taught me to be positive, because you will have a better day if you just stay positive.

My dad by far is my hero in life because he is always on top of his work, and I can talk to him about anything. He continued to tell me how proud he is of me, and it made me feel good and appreciated. This is why I believed my dad, Patrick John Henry, should be Teen Ink 2014 Educator of the Year. I am so glad and proud that he is my dad because he is there for me, no matter what. I love you dad.

The author's comments:
the one and only thing that inspired me to write this article was to tell people not just teacher teach you things but also your family and friends do the same as well.

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