Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

March 30, 2014
By Tj179 BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
Tj179 BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher that I would be nominating is my middle school teacher Ms. Noggel. She was always there to help the class. Every staff and student loved her even if the student did not have her they still really liked her.

I think she was an amazing teacher. Because she was very nice to the whole class. She wasn’t really strict to anybody. She always helped anybody out that needed help she was a great motivation to everybody. Everybody thought she was the greatest teacher ever.

She was a funny teacher she always made the whole class laugh. She always made the funniest of faces and makes everyone laugh and she had the greatest personality. She was an inspiration to everyone to get good grades and keep moving on with their education and try to get into the best high school and college that they can get into

The one best thing about Ms.Noggel is she helped me Through the tough times when I was struggling and my Grade were bad she encouraged me to keep moving Forward and not to give up on my dreams to succeed great thing with my life

That is why I chose this teacher she inspired me to keep moving on with my education. And to go to DMA and be successful in life. Everybody that is why everyone love her and thanks her for making a change in their life and helping them though good and tough times

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