Best Teacher Ever | Teen Ink

Best Teacher Ever

March 30, 2014
By MollyMucha BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
MollyMucha BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Ms. Quill, one of my favorite teachers I have ever had. Whenever it was a bad day or I just saw her in the hallway she would have a smile on her face. Even if she just got done yelling at a misbehaved student, that wouldn't ruin her day. She always offered extra help to me when she knew I was struggling. Her classes were so fun! She would always have movies or interesting topics to learn about.
Whenever we learned something new she would come up with phrases or songs to help us remember it for the test. Even though she wasn't the best singer it was always fun singing with her in class. She knew how to keep a smile on everyone’s face, because she is a crazy and funny teacher. She is such a nice person, whenever we went and visited her office after school she would give us candy and talk to us about school. When I was in middle school I would always do the school plays and talent shows, she would always be there to support them and help with them.
I remember in 8th grade she did the funniest thing. We had to do a lock down drill and hide behind all the desks and lock the door. She was telling us what we would do if someone tried to break in. She said she would grab the statue she had in her classroom and use it to beat the person who was trying to break in so we could all get away, she was one crazy teacher! I don’t think I can ever forget her she was the nicest teacher I've met in my life. When she knew a kid was struggling she would always try her best to help them in any ways she could.
She is so outgoing and so fun to be around. Most kids in my grade liked her just as much as I did, so I wasn’t the only one. I hope all the kids she’s teaching now and will teach in her later years will enjoy having her just as much as I did.
Her class was the only class I enjoyed and actually looked forward too. I usually got decent grades in her class because of how good of a teacher she was. I miss having her at school a lot. I will probably go and visit soon. She will always be my favorite teacher because of so many reasons. This is why I chose Ms. Quill for my teacher of the year nomination.

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