Educator of the Year Nomination | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Nomination

March 30, 2014
By BradyP BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
BradyP BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Educator of the Year Nomination
Gunnery Sergeant Robert Lemke

I was excited when I learned we would have the chance to nominate someone for Teacher of the Year. I immediately thought of Gunnery Sergeant Robert Lemke, or Gunny. I really like all my teachers this year, but Gunny has had a special impact on me. He has made my transition into high school much easier because he has made me feel like I am an important part of the DMA family. His classes are more like “good talks” than lectures, and I always learn something new. And if you ask Gunny a question, you should always be prepared for an honest answer.

I have known about Gunny for a few years. My sister Erika had him for Naval Science her freshman year, too. When I was at her basketball games, my dad would point him out to me and told me “That man is going to make you do a lot of push-ups!” So far I have been lucky, and Gunny has not made me “hit the deck.” When I attended Freshman Orientation, I think I heard Gunny before I saw him. His voice made me a little nervous, and I wondered what I had gotten myself into. But during orientation, he was constantly giving people positive encouragement and helping them along. I was very nervous about orientation, but Gunny helped get me through the first day and that was all I needed.

On my first day of school I was very excited that I had Gunny for Naval Science. He introduced himself and told us Cadets that if we respected him, he would respect us. That made me feel pretty good since I knew I wasn’t going to disrespect a retired Marine Drill Sergeant. As the school days passed, I saw that many cadets truly looked up to Gunny. I felt like if I had any issues, I could always find Gunny willing to help. I see him as a mentor because of the way he treats the cadets, with great respect. I enjoy his class and look forward to 5th block every day. He tells great stories, and I always feel like I learn something from them. I think that he truly understands what kids these days are going through.

I am on the Marksmanship team and even though I am not very good, Gunny gives me encouragement all the time. He jokes with me about paying for the pellets that don’t hit the target, but I know he does it so I will focus and try to improve. He doesn’t yell; he always says it with a smirk on his face. He has worked with me to make me a better shooter, and I really appreciate that. Even when I have wanted to quit, I remember that Gunny has always taught us never to give up, and to always try to get better.

I know that Gunny is retiring soon, so I feel really lucky and honored to have had him as my freshman year Naval Science Instructor. Gunny has been a true leader and a positive force at DMA since it was founded, and the school will miss him when he is gone. He has had a real impact on me this year and a lot of other cadets as well. Gunny may not have taught us math, or English or any of the normal subjects, but he has taught us about respect, leadership and never giving up. That is why in my mind, Gunny is the Educator of the Year.

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