Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 30, 2014
By Dylan421 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Dylan421 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Here we go again. Those were the thoughts as I walked into my 8th grade honors algebra for the first time. Little did I know that at the end of the year my thoughts when I was leaving my math class would completely different from when I first entered the classroom. Mrs.olesky or Mrs.O was the teacher and would become one of my favorites.
I remember that as the class clown I always had a target on my back, but that all changed with Mrs.O. The first day in the middle of class I cracked a joke out loud but Mrs.O wasn’t even fazed. She looked me right in the eye with a smile said” Jokes won’t get you very far in life, but math can”. I was shocked, I never had a teacher be so blunt, and I loved it.
Mrs.olesky is one of those teachers that can make the most boring subject awesome. She would dance and sing in class and at the same time would teach us things that I still remember to this day. At one time when I walked into class she had a stack of cards in her hand and I asked her what they were for and she told me to wait. After the bell rang and she called attendance, she explained that raising hands to answer questions was too boring, and instead she would pick a card out of the deck. We each had our own card assigned to us in the deck. As she pulled one out with my name, I saw what card it was, the joker. She caught my eye and said “very fitting isn't it?”
I always scraped by in math with barely a “D”. Mrs.O told me that at the end of the year I would have a “B”. I didn’t believe her. She made each lesson stick with us in very different ways, either by songs, videos, or even dances. She is just the one teacher I feel that every student needs to have in his/her school career. And at the end of the year as I received my report card with a “B” in math she looked me in the eye and said “good job”
Mrs.O was a one of a kind teacher. I felt as if she always had my back and was there when I needed help. And out of the teachers in the world the one thing that sets her apart is the fact that she always tells the truth. If you ask her if you look nice she might answer no and that’s how she is. She is a very funny and cool person. And for all those reasons is why I am nominating her for the teacher of the year award.

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