my EOY | Teen Ink

my EOY

March 30, 2014
By iyana burton BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
iyana burton BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the year Nomination
Ms. Katelyn Chiolan

Two years ago when I was in seventh grade, we got a new social studies teacher, named Ms. Chiolan. She looked young, and we were her first class she was teaching at Conrad. I figured, since she was new, it would take some time getting used to each other. That wasn’t the case with her because she adapted really well to the new surroundings. Little did I know, that she was going to be different, in a good way, than other teachers that I’ve had in the past. I found out pretty fast that not only did she help me on an educational level, but a personal one, also.
Ms. Chiolan deserves to be Educator of the Year for so many reasons! That’s because she has many good teaching AND personality traits. If you’re having trouble understanding something, don’t be afraid to ask her for help. She’ll be more than happy to help you. She’s that type of teacher that isn’t hard to approach and is just really easy to like.
On a teaching level, she’s great. I remember how she would assign you some fun and creative projects that really teach you something about what you were learning in class. Ms. Chiolan really knows how to make the classroom into a fun and positive learning environment. Of course, when it’s time to be on a more serious note, she knows how to make the class snap back into “all seriousness”, one of Ms. Chiolan’s famous catch phrases.
Getting to know Ms. Chiolan on a personal level was a really cool experience for me. It’s always great to have that teacher you know you can always go to for help or just to talk to. The possibilities for help with her can range anywhere from needing help on classwork to curling hair! I remember when I made a petition to get some lunch tables outside when the warm weather came around. When all the teachers said no and wouldn’t sign it, she did. I also remember this one time when she offered a few of my friends and I to join her for lunch up in her room. She said to come whenever we needed help or just if we wanted to talk. That was always a good time because she’s just really good with people and even has a great sense of humor. I thought it was really nice of her to take time out of her free time to get to know her students personally.
Overall, Ms. Chiolan is the best teacher to get nominated for Educator of the Year; I truly believe she deserves it. After reading this, I only hope you feel the same way as I do. You don’t get many teachers that have both good teaching and excellent personality traits. Ms. Chiolan is one of the few, without a doubt. Knowing that I had her back in seventh grade and being a freshman at DMA now, it’s pretty obvious that she affected me in a way that wouldn’t let me forget about her and seventh grade social studies. At one point when I had her, I looked up to her; and still do. She was like a role model to me. Thanks so much Ms. Chiolan for being the nicest, most understanding, down to earth teacher I’ve ever had! I wish you nothing but the best in the future with your teaching career!

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