Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 30, 2014
By August Mench BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
August Mench BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Hussar was one of the physical education teachers for middle school at Brandywine Springs. He was an excellent teacher, and everyone really liked him. He has children and a wife. He was always willing to help when somebody was having problems

Mr. Hussar taught me how to deal with difficult situations in life: he was a role model for me, and I still look up to him. When people annoyed me, he would give me suggestions on how to handle the problem. An example is when this kid got in my face during gym class. I went to Mr. Hussar, and he told me to back off and let it go. His advice helped me not to get in trouble.
During class he always kept me interested in what we were doing. He made jokes and was nice to everyone. He would always listen if I had a problem, and he’d help me solve it. He was always willing to give me feedback on what I should do. I always looked forward to going to his class.
It meant a lot to me to be able to talk to one of my teachers when I was having issues. Mr. Hussar was always willing to take the time to talk to me even when he was busy. We would talk in his office or anywhere in the school. He was the only teacher in the school who really tried to help me.

In my conclusion, I think he was a really good teacher, he actually cared about his students, and he liked teaching. He was willing to help students who had challenges. He was an amazing teacher. In my eyes he deserves Teen Ink Educator of the Year.

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