Teen Ink Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year

March 30, 2014
By Emely Subda BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Emely Subda BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Tannenbaum is a wonderful women. She was an awesome teacher and always found a way to help the students. I will always remember all the fun times in class we had like; field trips, activities, and religion class. She taught me for six years and I always had a wonderful time in her classroom. All the fun times are memories that I will keep forever.

On a field trip in 8th grade we went to New York. I was in Mrs. Tannenbaum's group, and it was one of the best field trips ever. Someway she incorporates learning with fun. While in New York we went to the 9/11 memorial, Statue of Liberty, and the Hallacost Museum. We learned a bunch of different things and it was a fun experience. New York is a field trip I will never forget and Mrs. Tannenbaum made those memories possible. She creates oppertunites for students that they could never experience other wise.

In Mrs. Tannenbaum's class room we wouldn't just stare at the book. Sometimes we did little skits, and sometimes she would bring the Priest of our parish in to lecture us on various topics. It was a good experience because just sitting in a class staring at the book is very diffult to understand. By doing little activites it made us take in all the things she wanted us to learn. Also, it maked us understand the concepts better.

Religion class was the only class that I looked forward to the whole day. I loved learning about religion because it is very important. In other years before having Mrs. Tannenbaum, the teachers really didn't teach us much. With Mrs. Tannenbaum she opened the horizon and actucally cared if we learned the material or not. She has had a big impacted on my life.

I have missed her so much as a teacher and as a person. She will always be in my mind, and she will always be one of my favorite teachers. I've missed her so much and I will defiantly going to visit her sometime this year. I wish that every student had an oppurtunity to have a teacher as wonderful and kind as her. She will always be my number one teacher. That is why I think that she is Teen Ink's 2014 Educator of the Year.

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